Treatment Options

  1. Neurofeedback

    1. QEEG based neurofeedback

    2. Z-score to train to normal database in real time

    3. Low cortical potentials, how to turn on or off your exciditory and inhibitory electrical potentials

  2. Visual and auditory entrainment

  3. Cognitive behavioral restructuring

  4. Psychotherapy

    1. Transpersonal

    2. Humanitarian

    3. Cognitive behavioral

    4. Gestalt

    5. Jungian

  5. Life coaching

  6. Peak Performance

    1. Creative expression

    2. Intellectual expression

    3. IQ development

  7. Brain games and exercises

  8. Psycho physiology diagnosis and analysis:

    1. QEEG brain mapping

      1. Head injury diagnosis (adjunctive tool)

      2. ADD – Attention Deficit Disorder

      3. ADHD – Attention Deficit & Hyperactivity Disorder

      4. Learning disabilities, including dyslexia, sensory integration, dyscalculia disorders

      5. Depression

      6. Mono-polar

      7. Bi-polar

      8. Dementia

      9. Schizophrenia

    2. Mini Cue

    3. Response times

    4. Dexterity, coordination

    5. Stress responses

  9. Meditation & Relaxation

  10. Breathing exercises

  11. Bio feedback

    1. Muscle tension, EMG, measuring tension in your body, which is most likely connected to tension in your brain.

    2. Electro dermal / galvanic skin response to measure anxiety, excitement.

    3. Capnometry

    4. Heart Rate Variability

    5. Peripheral temperature training

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